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Our Sunday Service is every week at 10.15am, with Junior Church for the children.


There is Mass in Church six days a week (One will be in St John's Church) Just look on the notice board on Fuller Street for details, or look on this website.


Would you like to have your baby Baptised? or would you like to get married in Church? Come to Mass any Sunday and see Father James, our Parish Priest afterwards to book in.



Prayer Intentions for this week


Monday  - Those who are blind & suffering from sight loss


Tuesday - All religious


Weds. -  All performers


Thursday - Our local schools

FridayThe growth of our Church


Saturday - That we may have a good and holy Advent


Sunday - Our Parish Family



Of your charity, please pray for the sick:


Maddie Kelly, Janice Rouse, Maurice Tagg,

Jeff Lee, Annette Green, Barry Turner,  

Di Reed, Jon Darby, Fr. Gary Ecclestone, 

Liz Perrott, Audrey Armet, Patrick Sczeny,

Ebrima Yusef, Ellen Spence, Angie Mason, 

Sylvia Wallace, 

Pray for the repose of the souls of the recently departed :

Pray the souls of those whose anniversaries of death fall this week :

Jessie Dainty - 13th December

Martha Keller - 14th December

Grace Whymant - 15th December

Jewel Mutton - 16th December

Michael Shields, Pr - 16th December










                                                                           PARISH NOTICES
Food Bank - We now have a permanent box at the back of the Church for donations for the local food bank.Please be generous in bringing packets and tins as you have them.









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